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An interactive book reading of "Hands are Not for Hitting" that is designed to educate children on the positive uses for their hands, instead of hitting.
Designed to assist children develop positive social skills to reduce the likelihood of violence. This program is offered through 12 sessions or specific session can be selected.
Sessions are designed to assist adolescents in developing positive social skills and build healthy relationships.
The Safe Dates program consist of 12 sessions with an emphasis on educating students about dating violence and how to develop healthy relationships. The Upstanders program is designed to educate 11th-12th grade students on how to be an active bystander when witnessing dating violence.
Sessions are designed to educate college-aged students on the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault. Topic examples include: the relationship spectrum, stalking, intimate partner violence, and acquaintance rape.
The Haven offers educational trainings and presentations to any community partner who would like information regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, and other related topics.
The Haven hosts a one day professional institute on topics related to trauma and trauma-informed care. The institute offers a series of workshops on the latest topics of trauma-informed interventions from local experts. To learn more about the annual institute or to sign up to recieve information about the next one, click the button below.
The violence prevention lessons and training sessions can be delivered in a variety of session lengths and at various locations, including schools, youth organizations and after-school programs. To schedule a program or training, contact Melissa Williams at
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